


通讯办公室 & 市场营销 oversees the event calendar for the website. 十大赌博平台排行榜的目的是让十大赌博平台排行榜社区和十大赌博平台排行榜的成员了解学院的活动.

If you wish to add a 佩因大学 event to the calendar please complete the 申请服务表格.




The main purpose of a College Press Release is to:

  • Increase public awareness of activities and services provided by the College.
  • Increase public awareness of faculty and student accomplishments.
  • Increase awareness of special programs or services provided by the College.



主任负责撰写和发布所有十大赌博平台排行榜的新闻稿, 包括新闻公报. 任何需要推广新计划或活动的部门都应该完成一份公共关系印刷品, Publicity and 摄影 Request Form. 鼓励个人草拟一份新闻稿,并送交署长,署长将确保新闻稿得到所有有关方面的批准,并发给传媒. 导演可能会重写他/她收到的任何草稿,以确保它符合媒体的要求. 在未与主管联络前,不得向媒体发布任何十大赌博平台排行榜新闻稿.


Who should be quoted in 新闻稿?

引用是使新闻稿读起来更有趣的一种手段,并支持新闻稿中的信息. 在大多数情况下,直接参与活动的个人应该提供报价. 在某些情况下, 引用导演或学生的名字可能是合适的——在少数情况下,新闻稿的目的只是提供一个简短的公告或声明, 不需要报价.



新闻稿上必须有详细的网上赌博网站十大排行,以便媒体能够向某人获取更多信息. This should include anyone quoted in the Press Release; however, 提交新闻稿的人士必须让署长知道,他们在新闻稿发出时是否有空. 所有联络人都必须在第一个联络点向媒体提供信息,并让主任知道媒体何时与他们联系以及电话的性质.

If you would like the Office of Communications & 市场营销 to create a Press Release, please complete a 申请服务表格




通讯办公室 & 市场营销 will assist your department with the planning, development and writing of brochures, 通讯和其他出版物. 该办公室将与中央处理协调你的出版物的设计. 和, if your publication must be printed off campus, 中央处理办公室将协助在当地打印机找到最优惠的价格. To ensure the success of your project, please notify us at least six (6) weeks prior to the time the publication is needed.

Working with 通讯办公室 & 在印刷材料的开发过程中,市场营销确保出版物符合为维护学院形象而制定的标准和准则.

通讯办公室 & 市场营销提供了信息和风格的一致性,并确保关于十大赌博平台排行榜的公共信息是:

  • 清晰、简洁、准确
  • Meets the requirements of various academic departments and administrative units
  • Meets the requirements of the Georgia Foundation of Independent Colleges
  • Reflects the stated mission and vision of the College.

Regardless of whether you use Office of Communications & 市场营销 to develop your materials, 所有面向外部读者的出版物都必须得到通讯办公室的书面批准 & 印刷前的营销.

联系 the Office of Communications & 市场营销 for more information about publications.marketing@潘恩.edu 或者填写 申请服务表格.




摄影 services are by appointment and can be provided for classroom activities, 事件, 表演, 体育和肖像. 只有一个摄影师, 日程安排可能是个问题, so advance notice will help ensure your request can be met. 请在您预定的活动/拍照前至少两(2)周通知. 所有的摄影都是数码的. 这是非常重要的,知道你的照片的预期用途,以确保适当的图像分辨率. 用于网页或计算机演示的图像不需要与用于打印的图像相同的分辨率. Images copied from web pages ARE NOT suitable for printed publications. If you are aware of a particular image you would like to use for a printed project, 请致电获取适合预期输出的图像的高分辨率版本.

如果照片需要检查, a web-based photo gallery can be used without the need for printed proofs. 图片库 (毕加索).
摄影课程完成后:照片将被包含在在线图片库中. 通讯办公室 & 市场部不提供印刷品.

联系 the Office of Communications & 市场营销 for more information about photography. (marketing@潘恩.edu) 或者填写 申请服务表格.
(marketing@潘恩.edu) 或者填写 申请服务表格.




通讯办公室 & 市场部负责撰写与十大赌博平台排行榜有关的所有新闻稿,并通过在线分发服务将其分发给媒体. 我们能够立即在当地,全州或全国范围内发布版本.

如果你正在计划一个重大事件, please remember to include a representative of 通讯办公室 & 在您的计划会议上进行营销,以便我们可以帮助您提前和当天的活动报道. To ensure that your event receives the attention it deserves, 最好在你计划的活动/活动之前至少提前六(6)周通知.

In addition, the Office of Communications & 营销人员:

  • 发展和维护与媒体的关系,每天保持联系.
  • Pitches story ideas about 佩因大学 and its faculty, 工作人员 and students.
  • Helps the media with its coverage of the College.
  • 援助s the media in finding campus experts to be quoted on issues in the news.


How to get your news distributed to the media

Examples of news items or story ideas:

  • Upcoming cultural 事件, such as concerts, plays, readings, lectures, exhibits.
  • Announcements of recognition awarded faculty, 工作人员, and students.
  • Announcements of new degrees or programs.
  • Announcements of grants awarded to 佩因大学 faculty or programs.
  • Activities that 佩因大学 faculty, 工作人员, and students are involved in outside the campus that may be pitched as features.

联系 the Office of Communications & 市场营销 for more information about media relations. marketing@潘恩.edu 或者填写 申请服务表格.




通讯办公室 & 市场营销 oversees the College's overall advertising and marketing campaign. 该办公室负责在面向未来学生及其家长的出版物上宣传学院形象的一般广告事宜.

该办公室还将协助可能希望投放广告以宣传特定项目或课程的个别部门. If a department wishes to purchase advertising, College Communications will:

  • Meet with the Director of Communications & 市场营销决定最好的, most economical approach to promotion (radio, 电视或印刷品, 例如.)
  • Assist with the planning, writing and design of the advertisement.
  • Negotiate with the newspaper or station to get the best price.
  • Negotiate placement of the ad to ensure the best visibility for the ad.

联系 the Office of Communications & 市场营销 for more information about 广告/营销. (marketing@潘恩.edu) 或者填写 申请服务表格.




学院的所有领域都可以在十大赌博平台排行榜的官方网站www上申请网站.潘恩.通过通讯办公室。edu & 市场营销. In general, the department, division or office supplies content. However, if there is content that you need help with we will be happy to assist.

The website is primarily used as a public relations, marketing and information tool to attract and retain qualified students, 教职员工也为校园社区提供信息和交流渠道. 网站应提供有利于校园社区的信息,改善学院的日常业务功能,加强我们的沟通方式.

What type of Web services do we offer?

电话初步谘询, 电子邮件, 或者亲自讨论你对网站的想法,以及建立网页的最佳方法.
Updates to webpages as requested by faculty, 工作人员 or administration
Updates to webpages according to current web standards
Development of new sub-sites (ex 网上赌博网站十大排行coming, Orientation Week, Commencement etc)
Converting and uploading forms and documents

联系 the Office of Communications & 市场营销 for more information about 广告/营销. marketing@潘恩.edu 或者填写 申请服务表格.




通信和营销办公室负责维护坎德勒纪念图书馆大楼的数字监控系统, Haygood-Holsey大厅, Peters Campus Center and Collins-Callaway 图书馆. 消息 regarding the promotion of programs, 事件 and activities at 佩因大学 are acceptable and encouraged. At times, the sign is also used to promote 事件 in Augusta community. Generally, messages run up until the day of the event.


  • Flyers must be submitted in jpg file ONLY.
  • Images must be submitted in a jpg file ONLY. GIF, TIF, PNG files will NOT be accepted.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint slides are accepted.
  • Submit Request For 服务 Form at least two weeks prior to your event.

All submissions will be reviewed prior to posting. 如果提交未被批准, 通信和营销办公室的代表将通过电子邮件通知您. 如果提交被批准,它将在周一上传到数字监控系统.



联系 the Office of Communications & 市场营销 for more information about 广告/营销. marketing@潘恩.edu 或者填写 申请服务表格.


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